Legal Disclaimer

Southern Grove and Future Generation are trading names and not legal entities.

For the avoidance of doubt as a supplier and professional, please contact Andrew Southern or Nick Vaughan for clear instruction on which company you are instructed to provide services to.

All agreements and instruments to be executed on behalf of the Company shall be executed by two (2) Directors of the Company and shall not be effective without both such signatures. For avoidance of doubt, no other party has authority to bind the Company or enter into any agreement with any third parties.

As part of its statutory obligation to foster its business relationships with customers, suppliers and others, the company through its directors has established and contributes a share of its profits to a fund to the trustees, delegated managers or administrators of which the company’s customers, suppliers and others are welcome to write to seek a discretionary award. The fund is wholly independent of the company and the unfettered exercise of discretion in respect of the award or non-award of monies is a matter wholly for the trustees of that fund. If you wish to contact the [trustees], you may do so at *[Griffin Trustees Limited, 3076 Sir Francis Drake Highway, Ellen Skelton Building, 2nd Floor, Road Reef, PO Box 765, Road Town, Tortola VG1110 British Virgin Islands].”

*Reference to customers can be substituted for clients or other term suitable for your business. As for who can be contacted, it can either be the trustees, the PMC or the trading company.